El Centro Comercial Ribera del Xúquer, Carcaixent (Valencia) dispone de su primer cajero automático bitcoin

The users can exchange their real money into bitcoin with a trasfer of maximum of 2.000 euro for an operation

The “Bitcoin” lands in Ribera. Carcaixent is the first locality of the region that possesses a cash dispenser of this criptodivisa. The company ATMs Bitcoins Exchange, with headquarters in Girona, it has installed in the Ribera del  Xúquer Shopping Center and already it´s operative.

The device designed and made by the company BTC, Facil,  allows the purchase and sale of bitcoins. The ” currency of Internet “, according to his own creators, looks for his expansion in the Comunitat Valenciana, where already cashiers were opened in Valencia or Elx last June.

The bitcoin is defined as a criptodivisa, a digital way of exchange of value, which started to work in 2009. It´s about a   a community project and of free software, based on cryptography, that it depends neither on the government of any condition nor of any centralized organism.

The bitcoins can be exchanged almost instantly for  real money ,and, though they are in a slow process of adjustment, every time there are more trades of all kinds that they it accept as a way of payment.

The locality of Ribera plays an important role in a zone in which the company has showed a great interest: ” We Understand that the zone of the Mediterranean is perfect to expand the cashiers’ offer, principally because it is a question of a powerful economy, to attract tourists’ big quantities every year and to possess people opened enough for the use of the new technologies “, to explain the own entity.

Across this one, anyone will be able to realize the exchange of currencies between Euros and bitcoins, with a maximum limit of 2.000 Euros for operation, good across a monetary revenue or across a bank transfer.

 This new system relies on his own method of storage of money, that, not to complicate the people, they have been called simply a wallet. When a person acquires this criptodivisa the transaction remains registered in this support or, in case he does not arrange of him, a receipt and a key is issued to accede to her.



Video informativo para usar los cajeros automaticos bitcoin de BTCfácil

Mapa de cajeros BTCfácil a tiempo real

Source Levante 

Los cajeros automáticos bitcoin se duplicarán en menos de un año en España

El número de cajeros de bitcoin en España pasará de 20 a 35 en los próximos seis meses, según las previsiones de BTC Fácil.

El Parlamento Europeo, ha destacado el potencial del bitcoin para mejorar y abaratar las transacciones finan­cieras, así como los mecanismos de pago. “Estas monedas virtuales son algo relativamente nuevo y aún no han alcanzado un uso masivo, sino más bien de nicho”, ha explicado Miguel Ortuño, de BTC Fácil, a EFEempresas.

Bitcoin es una criptodivisa, un medio digital de intercambio de valor; no depende de ningún estado ,ni de ninguna empresa u organismo centralizado

“Si todo el mundo las usase en la actualidad, la red no daría abasto, por lo que es bueno que vayan evolucionando y continúe surgiendo legislación al respecto que permita operar con tranquilidad”, ha añadido.

Los bitcoins se puede intercambiar de forma casi instantánea por euros, dólares o cualquier otra moneda tradicional y cada vez hay más comercios que los aceptan para realizar pagos.

Se trata, básicamente, de apuntes contables en una gran base de datos llamada cadena de bloques, la blockchain, que es replicada en millones de ordenadores por todo in­ternet. Según blockchain.info, en 2016 se realizan unas 200.000 transacciones diarias, por un importe de unos 110 millones de euros.

Este volumen, no se aleja delas cifras de  Western Union (algo más de 180 millones de euros diarios) o PayPal (unos 360 millones). En la actualidad hay emitidos alrededor de 13 millones de bitcoins.

Debido a su facilidad de uso, tan solo es necesario descargarse una aplicación en el móvil, los expertos opinan que su uso se instaurará rápidamente

“Hace un par de años había uno o dos cajeros en España y las expectativas son de que haya un rápido crecimiento”, ha añadido Ortuño.

Por su parte, los bancos han manifestado su interés por esta tecnología. Nasdaq, Goldman Sachs, Bankinter, BBVA e ING, entre otros, han hecho público que están invirtiendo en el estudio del bitcoin y de la tecnología de blockchain.

Los usuarios de bitcoins intercambian las divisas por dinero tradicional y también hay quien está convencido del crecimiento del valor del bitcoin, que en solo un año se ha duplicado, pasando de 278 euros en octubre de 2015, a casi 600 en octubre de 2016.

La previsión de crecimiento del uso de bitcoin está condicionada por la priorización que le están dando los inversores, lo que conlleva a su aceptación como elemento de valor o inversión más que como medio de pago, han explicado los expertos consultados por EFEempresas.

“Con el bitcoin puedes hacer un pago y tener la certeza de que no te van ha hacer ningún cargo fraudulento y no te van a clonar la tarjeta”, apunta Ortuño.

Fuente: EFEempresas, Intereconomia, Diario Bitcoin, TicBeat


Acercar la “moneda del futuro” a través de cajeros automáticos

Since when bitcoin appear in 2009,it has not stopped being an object of polemic for the volatility of his value and his use, but  they are not a few those who believe in the future of this digital currency and they bet for bringing over the ” currency of the future ” across cash dispensers.

The bitcoin is a digital encrypted currency that developed in 2009 across an IT opened platform that is not subject to any regulatory organism or supervisor and that circulates across IT networks door to door. (P2P)

On the 12 of septembre, was installed in Madrid, a cash dispenser of this criptodivisa - the third party in the capital, that has been made by the Spanish company BTC Facil, whereas ATMs Bitcoin Exchange has been the manager of his installation.

The management of the Shopping Center La Castellana 200 assures that in a beginning “they” “were not” “knowing” the possibilities that the cashier could offer of bitcoins for the clients, but as soon as “they” “investigated” on the product, it looked like to them a “positive” offer.

” Still today most of the population does not know the bitcoin or considers it to be distant, but we were not conscious of the number of public inspectors that already it has this virtual currency “, they affirm from the Shopping Center and make clear that, for this reason, they decided ” to try and since it is installed always there are people playing “

Also they indicate that “still it is early” to realize an estimation brought near on the use of the cashier, but they stress that they are ” very satisfied ” with the taken decision bearing in mind ” the interest that BTC Facil generates ”  they underline in the document that they send to the companies that request his services that ” to destroy the bitcoin would be so complicated like to destroy Internet “

The ‘bitcoin’, in phase of (slow) growth

One of the founding partners of  BTC Facil,  Miguel  Ortuño, makes clear that the criptodivisa is still in ” an early phase “, as it happened ” in the 90s with the use of the fax and the unknown e-mail of the epoch “.

Likewise, the company recognizes the disadvantage of bitcoin for his illicit use to realize tax evasions, thefts and swindles, though it affirms that this use is ” very minority ” and that they are realized like with ” money in metal-worker “.

From this type of cashiers, the clients can withdraw the money of his account or digital purse of bitcoin in the shape of Euros or deposit money in Euros to turn it into virtual currency.

The high value of the currency does not suppose ” any difficulty ” for the payments of small quantities, assures Ortuño, since the bitcoin can divide ” in hundred million parts ” and supposes a “revolution” for the new models of business, provided that the payments work without commissions.

” As soon as they begin to know the advantages of the bitcoin it will be of common use and it is something that also we want to show in the cash dispensers, which they include tutoriales of how the currency works “, has added the founding partner of BTC Facil

Nevertheless, the first cashier installed in Madrid in 2014, in the hotel Peaceful One Shot 04 and placed by the company Bitcoin España, was remove already a year ago of the receipt of the establishment, according to sources of the same one.

The cashier was in use, the most , once a month and almost always they were coming with problems with the currency “, it reveals the secretary of the hotel, Ana Estevez.talled

It will be necessary to wait still a few years to see  the future of the bitcoin advances and if really it will be able to overthrow to the metallic money.

How to use a Bitcoin ATM?

The functioning of BTCfácil’s ATMs turns out to be easy and simple for the community. The machine possesses a tactile screen in which several options appear for the purchase and the sale, a pre-established exchange of bitcoins-Euros.

In case of wanting to buy, one must deposit the change in Euros to receive the bitcoins in the mobile, in the indicated direction or in a papper wallet. For the change of cash in Euros, only it is necessary to send the equivalent bitcoin to the direction indicated to receive the tickets. The company created for it an explanatory video that we offer them later: bitcoin ATMs of BTC Facil:  cajeros bitcoin de BTCfácil 


Source:  20 minutes